Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tis The Season

As a young adult I remember seeing “A Christmas Story” for the first time and learning about the infamous Red Rider BB Gun. I got married and we were blessed 2 years later with our daughter.  Then along came 3 bouncing baby boys.  I had declared a “no gun or weapons” policy for our home.  Lego Duplos were fine.  And then one day the Duplos took the form of guns!  I was outnumbered and came to the realization that boys are BOYS!  They like to pretend to conquer and hunt, etc…. It seems that it is hard wired in them!  Can anyone relate?

We have a Christmas Catalog from Vision Forum, and guess what?  There are initials of various children next to knives, guns, and bows!  As well as a certain initial next to doll items (whew! I am so glad I have a daughter to relate to.)  I have to say that I am impressed with the quality of the items we have so far from Vision Forum.  The boys grandparents bought them wooden play guns from VF 2 years ago and they have had lots of play.  Now son number 1 wants a REAL Vision Forum BB Gun!!!!  (Some things never change.) Hmmmm.  I will need to get him and the rest of us goggles to protect our eyes!   Vision Forum also has a great number of Christian books for all ages, definitely more my speed!

Let the Holiday fun begin and the joyful celebration of God's goodness and overwhelming love for us, even with boys who prefer playing with guns!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again

Thanksgiving is days away....and we still are unsure of what our plans are.  We were blessed with a turkey that is happily thawing out in our extra refrigerator in anticipation of being joyfully consumed. (An IEW writing instructor would be pleased with those strong verbs and -ly descriptors.  I am learning so much this year - thank you Institute for Excellence in Writing!) 

In less than 2 weeks my 8 year old turns 9.  His wish is for a Lego Death Star set.  It has been on his "list" for almost 2 years.  Have you seen this set?  It is truly incredible boasting 3,803 pieces and includes 24 mini-figures, possibly his favorite part.  Ahhh, the power of Legos.  When we were in baby mode, our friends had 5 young boys and Legos, lots of them, everywhere.  When they came and visited us they each bought a set and they were spread throughout our home diligently working on them.  I can still see them.  Now I understand.  It is my wish that our two families can someday get together and their boys, now young men, can see our boys who are about the same age they were when we first got married...

In approximately 3 weeks my daughter turns 12and I am hoping to do something really mom-daughter special for this girl who is blossoming into a beautiful young lady right before our eyes.

Then, Christmas.....Thank you Father for sending us your Son.