
Curriculum Review - Awesome Science with Noah Justice

Fasten your seat-belt as you get ready to explore Awesome Science with Noah Justice published by Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group.  There are 6 episodes in the series (so far) and I reviewed 4, 5, and 6: Explore Yosemite and Zion National Parks, Explore Mount St. Helens, and Explore John Day Fossil Beds.

 Explore Mount St. Helens is episode 5 in the Awesome Science DVD series.  In this episode Noah gives a multitude of facts surrounding Mt. Saint Helens accompanied with vivid pictures and videos. Using scientific facts to support Biblical truth, Noah explains how many of our natural marvels came into being through the catastrophic world wide flood. 
Noah delivers much information at a fast pace while barely taking a breath!  I would recommend watching the video more than once to absorb all of the information given, and perhaps having the pause button handy.  You may also want to watch in short segments using the accompanying study guide that is available.   The study guide follows closely to Noah’s narration with mostly T/F and fill in the blank questions.  The study guide also includes a complete word list, discussion questions, and bonus activities.  While I would not use this as a stand-alone curriculum, it could make an informative supplement to any science program and will definitely provide many discussion opportunities.  I watched the video with all 4 of my children and found that it did not hold the attention of my younger 2 (ages 6 and 10), but seems better geared to middle school – junior high.  The information is relevant to high school students as well.

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